How to Make £100 in a Day – 7 Highly Successful Methods




How to make £100 pounds in a day


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It’s a great feeling to wake up in the morning, have a plan and by the time the end of the day comes you’ve made an extra £100.

Surprisingly, there are methods that seem to work time and time again.

Some require an investment of either time or money, but some of these you can start with zero money and just a little of your time.

So, how can you make £100 in a day?

Methods to make £100 a day or more include dog walking, logo designing, blogging, YouTube video channel, teaching, flipping, selling t-shirts and working for an employer as an employee of freelance. These methods can repeatedly earn £100 every day and up to £3,000 per month or more.

Some methods require a little creativity, but hopefully some of the ideas here can help with that.

Let’s take a look at the best methods to make £100 in a day.



Dog Walking

Make money working with dogs

Dog walking is not only a tried and tested way to make £100 a day, but it means you get to work with animals for a living, or extra money, and get a great deal of exercise and hopefully lots of fresh air if you can find suitable places to walk.

On average dog walkers can charge up to £15 per hour, but this can be increased slightly if you are walking more than dog belonging to an owner at any one time.

Not only would 7 hours of dog walking a day bring in the target of £100 a day, but 7 hours of walking is an estimated 21,000 steps a day!

A great way to help get fit and healthy or lose some of the lockdown weight many of us (myself included) have put on over the past 18 months or so.

Getting started is quite easy and doesn’t cost much.

You can create a Facebook page or join a local Facebook group; you could spend less than £15 at Vistaprint and have 500 leaflets printed for you to post through people’s letterboxes in your local town to promote your services – and post your leaflets on local town hall pinboards, village centre information boards and local supermarket noticeboards.



Design Logos

I can almost hear you now screaming at the screen ….. ‘but I can’t design anything!’

Fortunately, you don’t really need to know how to. If you have a canny eye for something that looks good, I can help show you a way that will help you design logo after logo using online tools and sell these to clients.

The logos can be sold for an estimated £100 each, you only need basic design skills (I can show you free tutorials to get you started) and I can even show you how to sell your logos too.

You may have heard of an online tool called Canva.

Canva is one of the most popular creation tools on the market. It allows you to effortlessly create logos, marketing flyers, Facebook banners, business cards, social media graphics and much more.

If you took an order from a client who needs a logo, you can create the logo in Canva as a design tool in a few easy steps.

In fact, here is a logo I just designed using Canva for fictional service Sally’s Dog Walking.

Dog walking example logo

It may not be the best logo you’ve ever seen, but I timed myself from start to finish and it took just 3 mins and 23 seconds to design. Here’s the proof from Google Stopwatch.

Logo Time Design


Now what if this was to be taken one step further. Here is an example of an accompanying dog walking service flyer.

Dog Walking Flyer Example

In fact, this one only took 2 mins and 42 seconds to create!

Flyer Timer Design


In just over 6 minutes I was able to create not only a logo good enough for any small business website or blog, but also a flyer that could be uploaded to Vistaprint for flyer printing.

This was all done using Canva Pro.

Canva Pro is a paid for tool. The current prices for Canva Pro are here (currently it’s less than £100 a year).

It is relatively low cost considering what can be made and how quickly, plus you can get Canva Pro absolutely free for 30 days through this link here.


Learn how to design a logo using Canva

Here’s a free video tutorial on how to design a logo in Canva Pro and create some great designs:



How to sell your logo designs

You can of course set up your own website through a cheap service like SquareSpace, or you can create your own Facebook Business page to promote your services.

Alternative options include Upwork and Fiverr, which are both marketplaces help small businesses find service providers, including logo and flyer designers.



Blogging or YouTube Channel

It’s possible to earn £100 or more a day with a blog or YouTube channel.

It won’t happen overnight, and you may be working at it for a couple of years or more of hard work and continuous effort before you can realistically earn this type of money (which is £3,000 a month!), but it’s certainly doable.

There are many bloggers and YouTube channel makers who earn this type of money every single day.

It isn’t an easy path to walk, and more people fail than succeed – but most people fail because they give up. They give up on their blog or channel too soon, and sometimes just when success was just around the corner, but it was still out of sight.

No one creates a blog or video channel to just earn £100. It’s a repetitive process. If you earn £100 in one day, you can earn the same amount the next day, and the next and the next!

To earn £3,000 a month you will need a lot of content (written blogs or videos) and a large audience. This is why it takes time.


How to earn £100 a day on YouTube

It’s estimated that to earn £100 a day with a YouTube channel you will need an average of 130,039 YouTube video views a day. It’s a lot. That said 100 videos with 1,301 daily views each would see an income of £100 a day or £3,000 per month.

The amount is based 100% on YouTube advertising revenue.

With an audience of 130,039 daily video views, or 3.9 million views per month, you have earned the title of influencer.

As an influencer you have the opportunity of sponsorships for products or services in your niche, or affiliate sales by recommended products or services you have tried and tested and earn a commission each time one of your viewers also purchases.

You can earn much more through sponsorships and affiliate sales than YouTube advertising revenue, but every penny and pound add up!


How to earn £100 a day blogging

To earn £100 a day through a blog it’s estimated you will need 4,472 daily visitors.

Again, this isn’t an easy task. You’ll need content (articles, posts, and pages) and a lot of them.

If you could write articles that through search engines and social media channel promotion had 1,000 visitors per month, you will need to write 134 good quality articles.

Some articles could achieve more than 1,000 visitors a month, some less, but if on average each of your articles achieved 1,000 visitors a month this could equal £100 a day (or £3,000 a month).

This is dependent of course on the niche you write upon, and how much people spend in that in niche.

How long would it take write 134 articles?

On an average of 3 hours per article it will take 402 hours to produce the content needed.

If you can spare just 1.5 hours every day to the challenge, you would get there in just under 9 months.

You can see now why most people quit. Once you write the content you may need to wait a few months for the search engines and social channels to start referring traffic. This can mean a wait of up to 18 months from the start of the venture.

It has worked for thousands of bloggers who persevered!



Teaching a Skill

How to provide online music lessons

If we really think hard, it probably wouldn’t take us too long to find something we’re quite an expert in. Sometimes without really knowing it.

Something that others are either trying to learn, starting off right at the beginning of their hobby journey or perhaps even something that will help them in the career.

I know a photographer than never considered himself to be a professional by any means, but at least one weekend a month he set out with his DSLR to either the coast, woods, at sunrise, sunset to capture what I felt were amazing photos. He did this for years.

He never did anything with them, and just saw it as a fun hobby.

Selling photos online is one of the hardest ways to make money nowadays (which is why it’s not covered in this list) but what he took for granted was how he knew his way around a DSLR.

Every setting, every button, which ISO, aperture, and which shutter speed to use for every such scenario, including the perfect lens and composition.

Understanding these three elements is one of the biggest hurdles for starters. Finding your way around a DSLR is tough enough without then trying to understand this as well.

The learning curve is steep. Online tutorials and videos are great but there is no substitute for a real face to face workshop with an expert.

He started running photography workshops for beginners to help them save weeks and weeks of self-teaching mistakes and mishaps, and he started making well over £100 for every day he ran a workshop.

I’m not suggesting you teach photography but look at which skills you have, what you know and whether there are beginners out there looking to learn those very skills and that knowledge you spent years building up.

Turn this experience in to a workshop, course or teaching session and you could well be on your way to £100 a day.




Now of course I’m not expecting you to start cartwheeling down the High Street for tips!

Flipping is the practice of buying something cheap and selling it on at a higher price for a profit.

The term flipping is usually attributed to flipping domain names or websites, but anything can be flipped.

In fact, buying and selling is one of the oldest business traditions on the planet. Retailers buy at one price and sell at a higher price.

Flipping though can be an art on to itself.

With the multitude of marketplaces out there to sell things on, it’s quite often to come across something at a bargain price because someone else is looking for a quick sale.

Years ago, savvy eBay shoppers looked for items listed with spelling mistakes, meaning they were being overlooked. They bid and bought cheap and relisted the product – with the correct spelling of course.

The higher number of people the listing reached fetched a higher price and a profit was made.

eBay is one marketplace to look but there are more. Facebook marketplace is another place to look.

You have to know the products, the industry and market well in order to succeed with this, but it’s possible.

Recently having flipped a website and a telescope and making £626 profit from a £240 investment (a 260% return on investment), I know this is still possible, even in 2021.



Selling T-Shirt and Mug Designs on Etsy

The popularity of selling t-shirt and mug designs through marketplaces such as Etsy have exploded in recent years.

The reason for this the cheap t-shirt printing services out there making use of the economies of scale through the internet, and also cheap and easy ways to build amazing designs through services such as Canva Pro

How many t-shirts, mugs and other merchandise you can sell really comes down to one thing. How good your designs are, and how targeted they are to a certain market.

When I talk about how good the design is, I’m not necessarily talking about being an amazing graphic designer. Just something that looks good.

The market you choose to target can make a huge difference to how successful this venture can be.

For example, who would be interested in buying your design on a t-shirt, and for what occasion?

Many people turn to Etsy and other marketplaces for gift ideas for friends and loved ones. Also, without being stereotypical, the biggest audience and target market for Etsy are females.

So, designing a t-shirt, mug or other fun merchandise that would appeal to many 18-35 year old women to give as gifts – and for an occasion such as birthday and Christmas – can do amazingly well!

Here is an example of a custom kids t-shirt.

Etsy Tshirt Design Example for £100 a Day

Not only has the seller sold 46,851 units of this t-shirt, but it also has over 3,900 reviews with an average of 5 stars.


At a £7.99 selling price this is equal to £374,339.49 in revenue!


Obviously, there is the cost of the manufacture of the t-shirts themselves but as the buyer pays for postage if you can make £2 margin per t-shirt, and can sell this number in a year, it would be equal to £256.71 profit per day – which is considerably more than our £100 a day goal.

Canva Pro is a great tool to create t-shirt designs!

Here is a t-shirt design we created in less than 5 minutes. It’s not perfect, but imagine what can be achieved if more time was spent!

T-Shirt Design Example



Working at an Hourly Rate as an Employee

The most obvious is of course working for an employer.

At an 8-hours a day workday, your hourly wage would need to be £12.50 to make £100 a day.

The minimum hourly wage for anyone over 21 is £8.36 per hour, so this would provide only £62.70 a day. Anyone between 18-20 would earn £52.48 on minimum wage (as at time of writing, summer 2021).

Therefore, if you look for even a part time job and need to earn £100 a day or more, and will be working for 8 hours a day, it will need to be at a wage of £12.50 or more per hour.

Of course, like any of these options, you will need to pay tax on your earnings.



In Conclusion – Making £100 a Day

Some methods on this list can make you £100 in a single 24 hours, where some can help you repeat this process of £100 every single day – occasionally passively – but will take considerably more time.

Each of these methods are tried and tested and work for tens of thousands of people.

Unfortunately, no option is guaranteed success.

None of these are get rich quick type schemes. These don’t truly exist.

Each of these methods takes patience, time, hard work, motivation and ability to deal with the failures on your road to success.

Stay motivated, never give up and those successes will be achieved!

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